
Terminy zawierające scale of charges | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie | tylko w podanej kolejności
bud., ekon.inclusive scale of professional charges for quantity surveying services for building works房屋建筑金项目收费标准
bud., ekon.itemised scale of professional charges for quantity surveying for civil engineering works土木工程收费标准
bud., ekon.itemised scale of professional charges for quantity surveying services for building works建筑分项目收费标准
bud., ekon.itemised scale of professional charges for quantity surveying services for building works房屋
bizn.itemized scale of professional charges职业费分项收费标准
finans.scale of charges费用率
finans.scale of charges税率
handel.scale of charges收费比例
bizn.scale of charges费用比例
międz.scale of charges for drawings提款费用表
techn.scale of professional charges业务收费标准